Ranked #12 Copywriter | Strategy Magazine – Creative Report Card


Ranked #13 Copywriter | Strategy Magazine – Creative Report Card

Ranked #14 Copywriter | The One Show – Rankings

Gold | 2023 Globe & Mail Young Lions, Digital Category

Shortlist (top 9) | 2023 Cannes Young Lions, Digital Category

Grand Prix | AToMiC Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop

Gold | AToMiC Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, AToMiC Collaboration

Gold | AToMiC Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, AToMiC Engagement

Gold | AToMiC Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Niche Targeting

Silver | AToMiC Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, AToMiC Idea

Gold | The ANDYs - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Craft

Gold | The ANDYs - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Idea

Silver | Clio Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Product Innovation

Bronze | Clio Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Creative Effectiveness

Bronze | Clio Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Integrated

Shortlist | Clio Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Creative Business Transformation

Shortlist | Clio Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Creative Commerce

Silver | Clio Awards - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Creative Use of Data

Silver | Clio Awards - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Creative Use of Data

Bronze | Clio Awards - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Creative Effectiveness

Wood Pencil | D&AD - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Impact / Collaboration

Shortlist | D&AD - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Commerce / Acquisition & Retention

Bronze | Effie Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop

Bronze | Marketing Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Best in Collateral

Bronze | Marketing Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Integrated Campaign

Gold | The One Show - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Creative Effectiveness / Non-Profit / Charity

Silver | The One Show - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Physical Products & Apparel

Bronze | The One Show - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Physical Items

Merit | The One Show - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Brand Transformation / Repositioning

Merit | The One Show - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Physical Products

Merit | The One Show - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Single Region or Market / Consumer / Brand

Merit | The One Show - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Multicultural Impact

Merit | The One Show - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Storytelling

Gold | Shopper Innovation + Activation Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Changing Behaviour

Gold | Shopper Innovation + Activation Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Out of the Box Retail

Gold | Shopper Innovation + Activation Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Path to Purchase


Ranked #39 Copywriter | Strategy Magazine – Creative Report Card

Gold | Cannes Lions - Canadian Down Syndrome Society, Long-Term Strategy

Silver | Cannes Lions - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Customer Acquisition & Retention

Silver | Cannes Lions - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Use of Ambient Media: Small Scale

Bronze | Cannes Lions - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Promotional Item Design

Bronze | Cannes Lions - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Retail Experience & Activation

Bronze | Cannes Lions - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Health Awareness & Advocacy

Shortlist | Cannes Lions - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Local Brand

Shortlist | Cannes Lions - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Excellence in Creative Strategy

Shortlist | Cannes Lions - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Social Behaviour & Cultural Insight

Shortlist | Cannes Lions - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Innovative Use of Media

Shortlist | Cannes Lions - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Lifestyle, Fashion, Leisure, Sports & Outdoor

Shortlist | Cannes Lions - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Applied Innovation

Shortlist | Cannes Lions - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Creative Data Collection & Research

Shortlist | Cannes Lions - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Data Storytelling

Gold | ADCC - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Media Innovation, Campaign

Silver | ADCC - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Advertising, Public Service Non Traditional

Bronze | ADCC - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Advertising Integrated Campaign

Bronze | ANA International Echo Awards - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, CSR/Social Good

Winner | Applied Arts, LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Promotion

Winner | Applied Arts, LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Craft Ideation

Gold | AToMiC Awards - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Diversity

Gold | Clio Sports - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Public Relations

Bronze | Clio Sports - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Social Media

Gold | CMA Awards - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Social Cause: Brand Building

Gold | CMA Awards - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Social Cause: Martech

Gold | CMA Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Business Impact

Gold | CMA Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Martech

Silver | CMA Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Customer Experience

Silver | CMA Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Innovative Media

Gold | LIA Awards - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Creative Use of Data-Led Creative

Gold | LIA Awards - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Health & Wellness: Creative Use of Data

Gold | LIA Awards - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Health & Wellness: Public Service/Social Responsibility

Finalist | LIA Awards - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Non-Traditional: Creative Use of Data

Silver | LIA Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Ambient & Activation: Creativity in Commerce

Silver | LIA Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Evolution: Creativity in Commerce

Bronze | LIA Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Ambient & Activation: Entertainment

Bronze | LIA Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Integration: Creativity in Commerce

Gold | Marketing Awards - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Community Building

Shortlist | Shopper Innovation + Activation Awards - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper

Gold | Strategy Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Connection Strategy

Silver | Strategy Awards - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Research Mastery

Bronze | Strategy Awards - LOTTO MAX: Dream Drop, Creative Catalyst


Ranked #211 Copywriter | Strategy Magazine – Creative Report Card

Bronze | ADCC - Michelob Ultra: Cal for Cal, Integrated Digital Campaigns

Bronze | ADCC - Michelob Ultra: Cal for Cal, Bronze, Social Media

Single | Applied Arts - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, PSA/Charity Digital Advertising

Single | Applied Arts - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Experimental/Artistic

Single | Applied Arts - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Ideation

Bronze | AToMiC - Michelob Ultra: Cal for Cal, Cause & Action

Bronze | Clio Awards - Michelob Ultra: Cal for Cal, Brand Development

Shortlist | Epica Awards - Michelob Ultra: Cal for Cal, Alcoholic Drinks

Bronze | Epica Awards - CDSS: The Mindsets Paper, Creative Technology

Silver | Media Innovation Awards - Michelob Ultra: Cal for Cal, Branded Content

Silver | Shopper Innovation + Activation Awards - Michelob Ultra: Cal for Cal, CSR

Silver | Shopper Innovation + Activation Awards - Michelob Ultra: Cal for Cal, Targeting

Silver | Strategy Awards - Michelob Ultra: Cal for Cal, Content Strategy


Shortlist | The One Show - Taco Bell: Scented CrunchWrapping Paper, IP & Products

Shortlist | The One Show - Taco Bell: Scented CrunchWrapping Paper, Print

Gold | CMA Awards - BMO: Cross Border, LinkedIn B2B Marketing Award

Bronze | CMA Awards - BMO: Cross Border, Financial Brand Building

Bronze | CMA Awards - Michelob Ultra: Cal for Cal, Food & Beverage